
I enjoy the seemingly endless possibilities when exploring the classic figure study. Often times, I will have a model hold a basic pose while I change my shooting position, or change the light position or perhaps have the model turn slightly. Each subtle change can result in dramatically different outcomes. The way the light rakes across the figure can significantly affect the resulting image with the slightest adjustments. It’s a process that requires patience, but it is so satisfying when one achieves such beautiful results. (anonymous model)

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  1. Hal Kahn April 30, 2020 at 8:24 am #

    Love the way you use light and shadows to define her form the way a sculptor would use a chisel. You have such a refined eye to create this nuanced image that is somehow delicate and strong at the same time.

    • AJ Kahn May 15, 2020 at 12:26 pm #

      Thank you Hal, for your kind words. I certainly do love using oblique light raking across the body to define the edges and separate the subject from the background. It’s the shadows however, that truly sculpts and adds dimension.

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